Healing Surge Totem: This totem lasts for 1 minute. The healing increases by an additional 1d4 per spell level above 2nd. When cast using a spell slot, this spell requires a 2nd level spell slot. Healing Tide Totem: At the beginning of your next turn, the totem fades and heals up to 6 friendly targets within 30 feet for 1d4+your spellcasting ability modifier. The shaman may choose to disarm the totem and be warned without triggering the fire attack. The detection range can be increased by 5 feet per spell level, and the flames deal an additional 1d6 damage per spell level. The fire ignites any flammable objects in the area that aren’t being worn or carried. A creature takes 3d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The creature who triggered it and each creature in a 15-foot cone in must make a Dexterity saving throw. When someone not specified as the spell is cast comes within 10 feet, the totem sends a magical warning to the shaman and attacks. Sentry Totem: This totem lasts for up to 1 hour. This damage increases by an additional 1d4 per spell level. This damage is dealt again at the beginning of your turn. When placed, it deals 1d4 fire damage to all enemies within 10 feet. Fire Nova Totem: A totem that lasts for 1 minute.

This damage increases by an additional 1d10 per spell level. If the attack is successful, the target takes 1d10 fire damage. Scorching Totem: A totem that lasts for 1 minute, and on your turn makes a spell attack on an enemy of your choice within 20 feet. You may use this ability again after a long rest. You may reroll any 1’s that you roll on any dice. For the next minute, all weapon and spell attacks you make have advantage and saving throws against your spells or abilities have disadvantage. You cannot make weapon attacks or cast spells while in this form, but you may make an unarmed attack using your spellcasting attack bonus that deals 1d6+your spellcasting ability modifier damage on a successful hit.Īscendance: At level 20, you may use a bonus action to become one with the elements. While in this form, your speed is increased by 50% and you have advantage on all dexterity checks that don’t require hands. You may transform into this form by using an action, and out of it by using a bonus action. Spirit wolf: At level 4, you gain the ability to transform into a spirit wolf form. This damage is increased by 1d6 each time you gain a new spell level. Their next weapon attack that hits deals an additional 1d6 bludgeoning damage. Rockbiter Weapon: As a bonus action you may choose one ally within range. Master Totemic: You may regain one expended totem of your favored elements during a short rest. Most totems are available to all shamans, but each sub-class has two totems unique to them that they gain as part of leveling up. All totems have 1d4+your spellcasting modifier health per shaman level and, as appropriate, use the Shaman’s spell attack rolls and Spell Save DC. As a bonus action, you may place a totem of your choice in a location within 10 feet of you. Each time you level up, you may choose to switch your totems. You gain one additional totem of your choice at levels 5, 9, 13, and 17. Totems: You start with one totem of each element. Shaman totems are an alternative use for your spell slots. There is not one unified Shaman spell list, and what you have access to varies based on your specialization. Spellcasting: Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your Shaman spells and totems.

Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Perception, or Survival. Any and all feedback is appreciated.Īrmor: Light and Medium Armor and Shields. Made a homebrew version of the WoW shaman for D&D 5e, wanted to get some opinions on both the balance and fantasy.