Using an example from the chemical sphere, in nature, there are two isotopes of the element carbon that exist in nature. In calculations such as chemical kinetics the parameter – the half-life is derived from the use of natural logarithms. Applications of the natural logarithm function are numerous in mathematics and science. The a domain is expansive, and the area under the graph is defined as negative when a < 1.

The natural logarithm is also defined as the area under the curve of y = 1/ x from 1 to a. The graph outlined above, is the graph for the function f(x), where the function is the natural logarithm of the positive numbers on the x-axis. All positive real numbers have a natural logarithm function. The natural logarithm of x, is the power to which e would have been raised to, in order to generate that original number. The nomenclature for the natural logarithm of x is usually written as ln x, log e x. E is defined as a mathematical constant (2.718281828459). Mathematically, the natural logarithm of a number is defined as the product generated when it’s logarithm is raised to the base e. Introduction to the Natural Log Function.Tandose Sambo What is Natural Log MATLAB?