#Ping transmit failure code Pc#
If not, does the PC connect to another network (Ethernet, Can you Telnet or FTP? I would expect those to work with higher reliability, since they are TCP-based, not ICMP-based. OK, at least we know that it is a network connection of some sort. I have been puzzling on this for almost two days and I have tried a whole bunch of things with no success. Just as a proof of concept that there is nothing wrong with the hardware, cable, setup, etc. On a side note, I have got the USB client thing to work when I use Windows XP (instead of CE 6.0) on my target and ping then to the Host PC. The following SYSGEN variables are set in my OSDesign: "Product"="Intel USB Client Mass Storage" IUSBClient.dll $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\IUSBClient.dll NK SHK

When I try to ping from my HOST PC to target (CE 6.0), I can see that the packets are sent from Host PC, but no packets (zero) are received from

IP address of my Host PC (Windows XP) is and Target IP address is as static IP address. Researched on Google regarding this error message and none of the results are helpful. I am getting the RNDISFN1 connection icon under "My Devices->Control Panel->Network Connections" once my CE 6.0 desktop boots. I get the following error when I try to ping to my Host PC from CE 6.0 (debug image): \>ping For some reasons I can't ping to the target from a host PC and vice-versa which are connected My target board is an x86 computer based on the Intel Menlow platform. I am using Intel Unified BSP 2.4 version with Windows CE 6.0 R3 (Platform builder).